Lotus Women Healthcare

What is a PCOS-Skin Issues?

Hair loss

Due to excess androgen (male hormone), the loss of hair pattern in PCOS patients will be like front-headed baldness/loss of hair above forehead, thinning of hair.

Acanthosis Nigricans

It’s a skin pigmentation disorder.it presents with a dark patch of skin, with a dark color, thick and velvety texture.it sometimes may give itching and a bad odor. The patches may present at armpits, groin, neck, elbows, knees, knuckles, soles, palms, and lips.

Pimples /acnes

Painful pimples may present on the face. Sometimes even at the back which causes severe pain. These lesions may leave black patches after healing. This was due to excess oil skin which is a main symptom of PCOS.

Dandruff complaint:

Dandruff, related hair loss will be another important symptom which presents with itchy scalp and painful acne at head, front &back neck, even at scalp also

Symptoms of a PCOS Skin Issues

Hair Loss
Dandress Complaints
Acanthosis Nigricans
Pimples / Acnes
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