Lotus Women Healthcare

About PCOS-Obesity

What does a person’s waist-to-hip ratio say about their health?

The waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is a quick measure of fat distribution that may help indicate a person’s overall health. People who carry more weight around their middle than their hips may be at a higher risk of developing certain health conditions. To find out their WHR, a person needs to measure both the circumference of their waist and their hips. Circumference means the distance around something. To measure the circumference of their waist, a person should stand up straight and breathe out, then measure their waist just above the belly button with a tape measure. This should be where the waist is smallest. Be careful not to pull the tape measure too tight, and remember to record the waist measurement before moving on to the hips.
To measure the circumference of their hips, stand up straight and wrap a tape measure around the widest part of the hips. Take the measurement where the ends of the tape measure overlap, again do not pull it too tight.
PCOS Obesity Treatment in Coimbatore
To calculate the WHR, divide the first measurement (waist circumference) by the second measurement (hip circumference). Measurements can be recorded in either centimeters (cm) or inches (in) without affecting the ratio.
For example, if a person’s waist circumference is 80 cm (31.5 in) and their hip circumference is 90 cm (35.5 in) then their WHR ratio is:
80 ÷ 90 = 0.89 cm (31.5 ÷ 35.5 = 0.89 in) WHR of over 1.0 may increase the risk of developing conditions that relate to being overweight, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Impact on health :

Those with a high WHR carry weight around their middle, so their body shape may be described as an “apples”. Research shows people who are “apple-shaped” are at a greater risk of certain health conditions than those who are “pear-shaped” (when the hips are wider than the upper body).

Lotus women care hospitals OBESITY SLOGAN


How Lotus Women Care Hospital Treats Obesity?


Reduces Appetite


Increases appetite


Craving for foods


  • Progesterone / Estrogen
  • Androgen


Stress increases/Reduces appetite


Sleep regulates appetite
So we at lotus women care hospitals, treat this abdominal fat put up, tends to reduce excess fat/inch, thereby reducing the hormonal imbalance and PCOS-obesity symptoms, with the help of natural Siddha medicines

Obesity Treatment Protocol

Lotus finds the root cause of obesity, that’s a hormonal imbalance with pulse diagnosis, confirms with a blood test, treats obesity with natural herbals without side effects, protecting future generations from life-threatening diseases.

These health conditions include:

Cardiovascular disease: One study trusted Source found that abdominal obesity increased the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Another study trusted Source found the WHR predicted cardiovascular disease more effectively than BMI or waist circumference. A third study trusted Source found that WHR is a better indicator of risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease than waist circumference alone.
Type 2 diabetes: A 2016 studyTrusted Source found that an increased waist circumference was linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
Fertility: A 2002 study found that women with a WHR of over 0.80 have a lower pregnancy rate than those with a lower WHR, regardless of their BMI.
Irregular periods: WHR imbalance leads to menstrual irregularities. Obesity at PCOS is entirely different. Common Obesity may be due to many causes. But PCOS related obesity is due to hormonal imbalance which should be considered as special type of obesity.

Don’t measure your weight! Don’t measure your height!! Don’t calculate your BMI !!!

Most of the women are worried because in spite of strenuous workouts, strict diet, yoga, etc. they are not able to lose weight. There was a strong hindrance in their blood which is called hormonal imbalance, that doesn’t allow for weight loss.

Normal values of wait

So we at lotus women care hospitals, treat this abdominal fat put up, which tends to reduce excess fat/inch, thereby reducing the hormonal imbalance and PCOS-obesity symptoms, with the help of natural Siddha medicines.
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